Exceptional longevity: why some people live to be more than 100-year old
Interventions that promote longevity, remembered by mnemonic: DEEP purple - “eat colorful plant foods: D ietary modification, E xercise, active E ngagement, P urposeful living (click here to enlarge the image ). Based on a Mayo Clinic Proceedings article ( https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30792-4/ ): Exceptional Human Longevity : the oldest old have an extreme phenotype of delayed onset of age-related diseases and/or resistance to lethal illnesses occurring earlier in life. Centenarians have delayed onset of chronic diseases During the span of human history the likelihood of living from birth to age 100 rose from 1 in 20 million to 1 in 50 as of year 1995 (for females in low-mortality nations such as Japan and Sweden). By 2009, this probability increased to 1 in 2. About 1 in 5,000 persons in the United States is a centenarian or older. Human longevity now exceeds 115 years. However, maximum life span has remained largely unchanged. There is a limit to huma...