
Showing posts from August, 2019

Michal Kosinski: "The End of Privacy" | Talks at Google

Michal Kosinski is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. He has published on privacy risks, psychometrics, and psychological profiling.

"Cardio IQ Advanced Cardiovascular Tests" by Quest

"Cardio IQ Advanced Cardiovascular Tests" are marketed by Quest labs and recently discussed by Dr Hyman and Dr Attea here: Quest has a 2016 webinar that discussed why Advanced Cardiovascular testing is beneficial, reviewed two cardiovascular risk factors Lp(A) and ApoB, biomarkers for assessment of inflammation, clinical importance of LDL sub-fractions, introduced the Cardio IQ Report as a management solution beyond the routine lipid panel: More info about the test and examples are here: Here are additional tests focused on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases: References: https://...