NYT: Attempted population mind control using a party app in China

All over China, people are furiously tapping on their smartphones to improve their score on an app - Study the Great Nation - a new app devoted to promoting President Xi Jinping and the ruling Communist Party — a kind of high-tech equivalent of Mao’s Little Red Book. Many spend several hours daily on the app, checking news about Mr. Xi and brushing up on socialist theories.

Schools are shaming students with low app scores. Private companies, hoping to curry favor with party officials, are ranking employees based on their use of the app.

Many employers now require workers to submit daily screenshots documenting how many points they have earned.

The state-run news media teems with glowing reviews of the app, including stories about diligent hospital workers and kindergarten teachers who open Study the Great Nation as soon as they awaken, even before they drink water or go to the bathroom.

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